'So little reality' of happy pictures.

by - Sunday, August 25, 2019

People seem to forget about the essence of their love in the pollution of social media life.

You seem to be wondering at a point, in your 'social media life', that, what is the point of posting all those happy pictures of your relationship when the truth is far from reality. And yet you post it anyways. 

Is it your way of declaring your love for your partner or just updating about your love life to other people? Who are you convincing, yourself or them?

Do you ever want to stop worrying about social media or pictures for once and think about actually fixing the broken parts of your relationship? 

I know it's not easy to admit that there is actually something wrong with the relationship you are in but there's always is. 

Isn't it?

No one's perfect, OBVIOUSLY. 

But there's also some truth in the fact that you might be hiding behind happy pictures and actually focusing more on pleasing comments on your post, rather than being more concerned about your partner's happiness. 

It is easy, I guess, to avoid the reality of your relationship and make a 'new reality' on social media which people will believe in a heartbeat because it's all rainbows and sunshine to them from the looks of it.

But the truth is something else entirely.

And inside your heart, you will bottle up your words and problems, which you were supposed to share with your partner. Because maybe in your mind it's the simplest way to maintain your relationship.

Let me just burst your bubble of thoughts, right there.

You will burst out one day eventually, metaphorically obviously, and it will be a breaking point at that time and there is no going back from that. Things you will say won't just affect your partner maybe it might end your relationship with them. 

Believe me, people who love each other can hurt each other with just their mere words. 

Your love for your partner shouldn't just be in pictures, so that, you can show them to the rest of the world. But should be in your eyes, where your partner could see that and feel it every time they have doubts in their mind for you. 

Maybe somewhere in your mind, you might believe that those happy posts of yours on social media, which are getting more and more likes is the truth somehow. Maybe you are that happy somehow but think about it, when the world goes back to their business and no one is there to like your happy pictures anymore, how will convince yourself that you have a happy relationship.

If I might give you friendly advice, I would say listen to that little voice of yours coming from your heart that is screaming at you to stop convincing the world of your happiness. And start mending your relationship so that you could actually be as much happy which you claim to be on your social media life.

At the end of the day, it is you, who has to choose which reality you want to live in.
The reality where your relationship actually needs fixing or the 'not so real' reality which you made for yourself.

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  1. Reality of social media...🤔

  2. Nice work, keep posting such good blogs��

  3. This is a great post, very worth reading. Will share it!

  4. This is the problem with social media as a whole: people fake aspects of their lives. We see so much online about the impact this issue has on those outside of the image that we don't really consider the impact it has on the people in the image.

    It's a really interesting topic to think about.

  5. Social Media life as a whole is a way of escaping reality to others or maybe to some a stalking platform.
    Be on Social Media is all about having the right mindset and goal.
