How much do we really know about men and their feelings?

by - Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why do we never talk about what Men feel?

We live in a time where most people acknowledge the fact, that the famous quote of "boys don't cry" is a lie.

Don't you think it's been high time to break the notion that ‘men don't have feelings or they feel way too less than women’? 

They sure are complicated beings but nobody seems to care or pay enough attention to simplify their complications. All women do is blame guys for cheating or some other crappy stuff they do or did.
Some even use them as per their requirements. (GROSS! I KNOW BUT TRUE.)

But How much do we really know about men?

I know guys either don’t talk about their feelings or talk way too less for it to be a real thing.

So let’s make it as important as it should be.

They are being misjudged so many times because they lack the ability to express their emotions.

Men's emotions are delicate if you ask me.

They deserve to be understood with genuine compassion.

Guys won’t ask but they do want the appreciation and emotional support from time to time.

And don’t think for a second that they do not ask emotional support and care because they are too proud to ask instead they do not want us to be worried for them.

Well long story short, men don’t want others to get worried so they hide all of it and pretend as best they could. I am not saying all men are the same.

I do agree that there are some assholes in the world but again, they became like that because nobody was there for them to understand them, so instead, they pretended and pretended until it became their reality. Or maybe they are still waiting for someone to understand them.

Who knows? That’s exactly my point.

We don’t know because we do not give them enough importance at the time.

Every guy you know may that be your brother, friend, boyfriend, etc. stop blaming and accusing them all the time and try to understand them for once.

Guys always do so many things silently and never get the appreciation and credit for it.

Now ladies! I know, for you, your world revolves around yourself but give yourself a chance to understand them, care for them and support them. Especially in their hardest times and they might just love you even more for it.

Maybe you might find a whole new person behind those tough looks and silent eyes.


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  1. Those were some really nice words. Keep going!

  2. This is the reason of being single. Coz nowadays every girl treat all boys in one picture no matter weather they are like that or not

  3. Like women, I find men are emotionally open, closed or somewhere in between. It's all about learning their language and building that trust! Great article - love the genuineness of it.

  4. We all need to be more honest about how we are feeling.

    I totally know my Fiance now, I tend to know before he does that he is having a wobble. I recognise the signs and I know I need to give him time to decide for himself what is wrong and then we are very open in talking about things and finding solutions etc

    Great post x
